Thursday, April 8, 2010

OAMC (Once a month Cooking)

I thought this was a wonderful idea and enlisted my cousin, Shontelle, to do it with me. She was just as excited as I was to possibly save money on our grocery bill and help save us time in the kitchen, and also shore up a food supply of more nutritious lunches and snacks for our kids. I found the idea from She challenged her blog followers to a "Cook from the Freezer Challenge" and many of her followers are posting the outcome and successes of this challenge, so here goes mine.

My cousin arrived at 9:30a and we promptly got started on the task at hand. We started doing the prep items, such as cutting onions and browning ground beef, etc... Then we got our 3 crockpots started with Chili, Beef Stew and BBQ Chicken. Then we made 6 casseroles; 2 lasagna, 2 potato& ham casseroles and 2 chicken, rice & broccoli casseroles. We had some left over lasagna ingredients so we made an extra lasagna for lunch and it was a hit.
My cousins youngest, Morgana, loved the lasagna.

After we were finished with our lunch break we started on the pumpkin muffins and burritos. the last thing we did was make homemade chicken nuggets and pancakes. Wow, we couldn't believe it was 7:30p when we were finally finished. We put everything on the table to see what we had accomplished for the day.

We are anxious to see what works out and how long it will last us. Overall, it was a very exhausting day, but I think we will definitely do it again. However, we might break it up into 2 days instead of one marathon day. We were literally good for nothing at the end of the day. Luckily I had plenty of food on hand, so I popped a few burritos into the microwave and then topped them off with some cheddar cheese, sour cream and salsa. Voila', dinner is served!

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